Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My New Inspiration

I started watching the current season of the Biggest Loser on Hulu and I've found it very motivational. They hugely fat people, much fatter than me are able to work hard and lose their weight and it makes me think that I can do it too.

The Biggest Loser is very extreme. They work out 6 hours a day and limit their caloric intake. They lost massive amounts in short amounts of time. The women average about 5 pounds a week. I know that that is not something that I can do because I certainly don't work out that much, but it still makes things seem doable.

One of the contestants from a previous season said in an interview that if you just lose one pound a week, in a year, you will have lost 52 pounds. That seems like something that I can very much do. One pound a week is easy!

Another thing I have learned from the show is to have goals, benchmarks with rewards when you reach the benchmark. So, here are the bench marks that I am going for.

  • Under 200 pounds: I haven't been under 200 pounds since before I got pregnant with Nicole. I went up and over the 200 pound mark during my pregnancy with Nicole and haven't been back since. I am 23 pounds away from being under 200 pounds.   My reward for this goal will be a new hair cut and hair dye, from a real salon, not done myself.
  • 175 pounds: I was this weight a few months after I was married because I quickly gained weight when I got married, but by the time I was married for a year, I was 190 pounds. So, 170 seems like a good second bench mark. My reward for this goal will be a new nightstand. That may sound like a weird reward but it is something I really want, but won't treat myself to because it is a want, not a need.
  • 155 pounds: This goal seems so very unatainable. I haven't been this weight since I got married. This was my weight when I got married and it is my ideal weight. In highschool I was 145 pounds, but I have realistic thinking, I'm never going to be my highschool weight because I have a woman's body now and I have had babies and I want to be a healthy weight, not ultra skinny. My reward for this weight will be a trip with my husband.
My goal pant size is a size 10. I am currently a size 18. I was a size 10 when I got married, so I know that I can get back to that size.

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