This week I feel like a failure. Not a failure with my diet, but with my exercise.
We have been sleep training and it has been just... emotionally frustrating. It is still a fight at bedtime. There is crying there is tantrums, there is putting her back in her room a lot, and there is peeing the pants and it is extremely draining.
Some nights it is short, it is done by 9pm. But other times... it is 10pm or 11pm. And by the end of it, I do not have the strength to exercise because I am mentally and emotionally drained by all the crying.
Fighting Nicole every night is just so draining that I lose the will to do anything afterward, I just want to hit my pillow and fall asleep.
So, I have only worked out twice this week and it shows. I've lost zero weight this week.
I hope that bedtime goes better this weekend so that I can have time to myself to work out at night.
Or, maybe I should be waking up at 5am to workout before I go to work. I don't know, but things just aren't happening right now. It is really hard waking up early when I don't fall asleep until 11pm at night because Nicole is up so late.
I just need a push, I need some motivation. Anyone have some motivation that I can borrow?
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